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    Scammed Artists Need Info About Their Scammers

    Scammed Artists Need Info About Their Scammers

    • Ongoing 8 months ago

    Project description:

    I’m afraid I regret it, but over a hundred artists need a little help. 

    We are over a hundred artists defrauded and abused by two people in a gallery.

    We are ashamed, saddened and truly angry.

    These individuals have a modus operandis, rent a space, don’t pay the rent, change the space, don’t pay the rent, pocket thousands of dollars from the artists, don’t pay the artists for their sale, take all their money invested, when we manage to get our work back, it’s in very poor condition, therefore unsaleable. Then they go bankrupt. Repeat the stratagem at another location with another name…  

    The police say it’s just bad management. It isn’t. It’s a fraud scheme.

    A journalist is helping us, but we’re having trouble digging deeper to find the missing pieces so we can bring them to criminal justice, not just civil, because they’re insolvent.

    We’ve lost thousands of dollars and over 1,000 works of art are being held hostage and most of us are deprived of our only source of income as a result. 

    Obviously, these individuals target emerging and little-known artists. With little or no professional experience, they’re looking for visibility to fill the fridge. Of course, it’s mostly women who are targeted.

    They’ve set up their scam well.

    Anyone want to dig? 

    How much would it cost to dig ?

    Project ongoing...


    Member Since January 12, 2024
    • Location:
    • Project posted: 1