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    Save Eldery Peoples home from demolition

    Save Eldery Peoples home from demolition

    • Ongoing 6 years ago

    Project description:

    My mother lives in @nijylostins, a 50 year old home for seniors in Friesland (Netherlands). The owner wants to demolish it and spread the family-like group of 50-odd people, average age 85 y. all overt the county. There are no plans to rebuild (they say) on the spot.

    We are sure the building can stand for another 50 years, and the people can end their lives there, as they planned. And we had building experts and architects confirm this. Yet the owner won’t move.

    This is not an isolated problem. 800 former houses for elderly people have become some kind of a burden for their owners because the government changed legislation in an effort to cut expenses. So now the invent a plethora of reasons why people are no longer safe in their house (from fire, legionella etc) and they have to move, so they can get rid of it.

    We made a lot of noise in our case and wona (maximal) delay on the demolition of 2 years. But we would like to expose the evil plan that we suspect between Elkien, the landlord, and Patyna, the healthcare provider.

    (though they, in their bubble, probably consider it a great contribution to society with 0-energy and a glossy look (on their CV too) and the people scattered around, and many losing a heap of quality-of-life or even life itself as collateral damage)

    are the main suspects.

    It would be a great help if we could look inside the mail they exchanged on the Nij Ylostins subject.

    The $ 200,- we offered is merely to have a nice night out or so for anyone who helps us out. We have no money, people live on a mimimal retirement.

    Skills required:


    Project ongoing...


    Member Since June 16, 2019
    • Location:
    • Project posted: 1