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    Counter Espionage Or Detection Of Lawbreakers

    Counter Espionage Or Detection Of Lawbreakers

    • Ongoing 6 years ago

    Project description:

    Hello respected, visitors.

    I`ve evidence mobile and video tracking after me via passive interception of mobile communication (mobile scanning) and satellite video surveillance by IT companies.

    Because of being as developer of IT products i spyed by many private companies. Before developing detection system i need technician, specialists, hackers who can collect info from geopoints that i provide to gather factual evidence of spying after me. It need to scan mobile network or video pointing video surveilance to the building and find in the real time how lawbreakers is immoraly and illegaly gathers on pc video information and my mobile network tracking me. For instance 50°00′00″ с. ш. 30°0000 в.  that`s imaginery geolocation. After getting the factual evidences, preferably video of my surveilance, because lawbreakers can uses nick and code name defining me, i`m ready partially pay, i`m ready to validate a notarial agreement after the law process to reward after having a compensation.

    The main task is satellite surveilance that gives me factual evidence of tracking me, after which i can make a legal request to ISP – satellite operator or the tracker to have more criminals.

    It need to mention, that`s spying companies are well qualified and tracking via technology of phone injection can`t be used. In this case spy can just change malwared smartphone or simcard after detection of spying. It need to use satellite scanning of mobile network.

    There`s an option to make cooperation with russian speaking hacker. I live in the country near RF, where companies actively spies me.

    I`m gratefully for any assistance in advance, i`m always open to cooperate with honest and professional specialist.

    Project ongoing...


    Member Since July 16, 2017
    • Location:
    • Project posted: 1